1. As soon as you wake up focus on one thing…praise to yourself, your partner and to your children

2. Whenever you feel like nagging your children instead praise them. For instance, if they make their own breakfast and leave a mess, choose to say’ Well done for getting your breakfast that was a great help’, If they are dragging their feet getting out of bed, praise them, “Well done for getting out of bed”. Just praise them for anything you can find!. “It so lovely that you are sitting there watching TV quietly”. See what starts to happen!

3. Do the same with your partner! ” thanks for kissing me when you walked in, makes me feel good’, You are really good at making the kids laugh’ (even when they are play fighting just before bed!:).

4. It will feel fake at first but soon it will become subconscious. It might just help with your kids doing something for you as they feel good about themselves, same goes for your husband and most of all you will start to feel better about YOURSELF!Just try it for a week. I am not saying it will be easy and you might have to bite your tongue a few times, however, it just might shift things a little to make a difference to your life.

Love Katie xot

All reactions:22

DO THIS FOR A WEEK WITH YOUR KIDS AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE! They might actually start doing what you want them to do!